Patricians Dice

Patricians Dice

Regular price £9.00

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Very little can touch most of the upper class in Venice. They've paid off the City Guard, and make most of the laws themselves, leaving them free to run the streets, cutting down whoever they want.

Not that the wealthy and psychopathic Patricians need much luck (they're very skilled fighters already), but if you'd like to show your pride for the ruling class of Venice, these dice are the perfect accessory. And let's face it, if you play Patricians, you should really love the added style!

This pack contains 12 ten-sided dice; 10 in Patricians purple, and 2 Destiny dice in white. Each number is delicately etched on, with the Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10. Not only that, but the 7, 8, 9 and lion are filled in a complementary colour, making spotting Aces easier than ever!

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